We find hidden gems, investments overlooked by conventional investors.

We invest first; We align our interests by investing our own capital in all transactions we undertake. Investors will not face a risk that we have not already taken.

We offer unique access; We invest in private equity, legal assets and hedge funds together with specialists which most investors are unable to access through traditional channels.

Our team helps investors find the right investments to complement their portfolio at the appropriate levels of risk and liquidity.

Turning values into value

Creating Value

We are relentless in our pursuit to discover the most promising opportunities as we seek to unlock sustainable performance


Working with Passion

We love what we do and are determined to providing winning solutions for investors


Building powerful partnerships

We invest together with our investors and specialist investment partners to ensure best in class execution and full alignment of interest


Leveraging our teams and networks

Drawing on our in-house experts and advisor network for superior deal sourcing and execution


Generating trust

As a firm backed by a Family with generations of successful entrepreneurs, we know that trust is not given but earned

Co-investing with us means that our interests are completely aligned, and you're never alone when shouldering a risk.
Marc Syz CEO Syz Capital

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